
Ajmal Masroor book launch

By admin

December 24, 2010

Ajmal Masroor held his book launch at the Waterlilly Business Centre for his newly released book “10 things you should know about Marriage”. The event was well attended by press and public. Both Masroor and Henrietta Szovati his wife who is a life coach hosted the event.

All proceeds from the sale of this book will go towards the Barefoot Institute which supports mental health and wellbeing. “10 things you should know about Marriage” by Ajmal Masroor, released in 2010, is a relationship handbook must read.

It’s small, light-weight and an easy read for anyone who is either wondering if they are ready for marriage OR wondering if they can save their marriage. It is a guide from single life and married life to life with children.

The programme was attended by various people from the community including community leaders, lawyers, politicians and media personalities. Amongst the speakers Shaigir Bakth Faruq and Baroness Paula Uddin spoke in support of the book and both expressed the need for a book like this to enable young people make the right choice in life. The key note speaker Seleha, senior Manager Islam spoke about the need for communities working together to “help couples overcome the marital challenges and young people prepare for the journey.

I recommended that people should buy the book as a gift even if you do not want to read it.” Maswood Ahmed, social services manager in Tower Hamlets said in his key note speech “the book though may appear small to the buyer but is crammed with sound and succinct words of gems and wisdom. I applaud the author for being brave and bold in his style of writing and most importantly for being frank and extremely honest.

I encourage people to buy as many copies as possible.I would recommend it to all people” Ajmal Masroor, the author of the book was the final speaker for the evening. He said: “My personal life story, lessons and experiences of my married life and my professional training as a counsellor has informed the core text of this book. I have combined Islamic teaching as well as modern counselling principles in this book. The number people ending their marriage in divorce are staggering and some thing must be done about it, I was inspired to help and this book is my contribution towards the society. This is a self help handbook”. He took questions from the audience and stressed the importance of investing in our families and individuals. He announced that he intends to translate this book into other languages including French and Bangla as soon as possible.

About the author: Ajmal Masroor is a relationship counsellor. He is a co-founder of Barefoot Institute which provides support for individuals and couples with relationship issues. He lives in London with his wife and two children. You can contact him on info@barefootinstitute.com or 07956 987 398 His book can be purchased from most local bookshop or from the website directly www.barefootinstitute.com.