The unlawful extension in Clutton Street


Council wins on illegal extension

By admin1

January 06, 2018

CLUTTON STREET residents will soon be rid of an illegal extension in their neighbour’s back garden, as Tower Hamlets Council has won a court case against a wayward landlord.

Mohammed Suruk Miah built an extension to his property in Clutton Street – without obtaining planning permission. The Council therefore ordered him to demolish it. Mr Miah challenged their decision at a tribunal, where he complained that it had cost him £7,000 to have the extension built and he would have to pay out again to have it demolished.

However, evidence was presented that Mr Miah rented out his property – to ten tenants, who had to share a kitchen, a shower and two toilets – even though Mr Miah did not have a licence for multiple occupiers of a single building. It was also infested with rodents and cockroaches. The tribunal was therefore satisfied that the extension constituted a significant health and safety hazard and upheld the demolition order.

The Council has served a further notice on Mr Miah requiring him to deal with fire hazards in the property, the infestations and the lack of an appropriate licence for multiple occupancy.

Cllr Sirajul Islam, Cabinet Member for Housing, said, “This illegal extension presented a serious hazard to tenants. Through tough enforcement action by our council officers the extension has been demolished, so that tenants do not have to suffer living in bad conditions.”

John Biggs, Mayor of Tower Hamlets, added, “Landlords can now get an unlimited fine for renting out an unlicensed property, so it is essential that any landlord operating a home in multiple occupancy contact their council to make sure they don’t fall foul of the rules.”

•Read more about it: Rabina slams Bungle-Biggs on housing plans Bungle-Biggs leaves tenants in the doo-doo
