
East London Mosque announces Eid ul-Adha and Jama’ah

By admin1

August 26, 2017

THE EAST LONDON Mosque has announced that Thursday, 31st August will be the day of Arafah. This will be followed by Eid ul-Adha on Friday, 1st September.

The East London Mosque and the London Muslim Centre wished the East London Muslim community a very warm Eid Mubarak.

The Mosque confirmed that Jama’ah times are: 1st Jamaat – 1am 2nd Jamaat – 8am 3rd Jamaat – 9am 4th Jamaat – 10am 5th Jamaat – 11am

The Mosque reminded the congregation that it welcomes Eid gifts in the form of financial donations to help the Mosque repay debts incurred in purchasing the former Synagogue building and to complete the Maryam Centre. Donations may be made here:

For more information about the East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre, go to:

•Read more about it: Mosque fire: hate crime or terrorism? Crowds support graffiti mosque
