Assembling supplies, ready for delivery!


Island Network is still delivering the goods

By admin1

July 28, 2020

THERE WAS A light drizzle on the Isle of Dogs yesterday, 27th July – but still the volunteers from the Island Network were out and about, delivering food supplies to elderly and vulnerable residents.

Seventeen volunteers braved the unseasonal weather and handed out 70 food pack and meals out to local elderly and vulnerable residents. That took the Network past another landmark: since the lockdown their volunteers have delivered 7,067 food packs and meals across the Isle of Dogs.

The Network brings together leading members of the community who know their areas, and this has helped identify who is most in need. The team also distributes food regularly to local schools.  Supplies are funded by One Housing Group and the Canary Wharf Group.

●Read more about this story: Island Network

Read more about it: Facing up to the new cover-up New partnership promotes “read while you feed”