
Khat now class C

By admin1

June 28, 2014

The police are reminding everyone that the herbal stimulant khat, mainly used by the Somali, Yemeni and Ethiopian communities, is now a class C controlled drug. Khat bundles (pictured) are about the size of a bottle of wine. Khat decays rapidly after being harvested, with all active ingredients rendered inactive within 5-6 days. Any finds will be dealt with by officers on a case-by-case basis.

The policing response to possession for personal use will be sensitive, with the enforcement model as follows: first offence: “khat warning” issued; second offence: £60 Penalty Notice for Disorder; further possession offences: Arrest for possession of a controlled class C drug

Officers who come into contact with users are using the opportunity to educate them about the classification, with users signposted to support services from local Drug and Alcohol Teams (DAATs) if appropriate.