
L-EAP forward to help in Palestine

By admin1

February 02, 2018

THERE ARE MANY organisations which help the Palestinians in many different ways. Education Action for Palestinians (EAP) concentrates on helping Palestinians help themselves and shape their future by improving access to education.

The charity works with Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank – as well as with refugees who are living outside Palestine. It acknowledges that investing in education and training will help Palestinians earn a living now – and empower themselves to face the future.

The World Bank estimates that 23% of Palestinians are unemployed and 16% are in vulnerable employment. Practically speaking, that means that nearly half the population is not in a position to pay school fees or to access education that can help them as individuals and their society as a whole.

Support provided includes help to educational institutions or projects inside Palestine as well as helping students access higher education outside Palestine. It can be very basic stuff – such as ensuring that primary school pupils have access to clean drinking water (pictured). It can be more targeted, such this year’s special projects to ensure that women and girls and disabled Palestinians have access to education.

On Friday, 16th February EAP will be holding its Annual Dinner at the London Muslim Centre. This year the event aims to raise funds for the education of women and girls and for disabled people in Palestine. There will be a range of speakers, tasty dinner and a raffle with top prizes – and you will leave with a warm glow knowing that you have supported a good cause.

Tickets are just £14.99 each, or £100 for a table of ten. To buy them, go to: or call the office on 020-3191 6655.

For more information about EAP, go to:

•Read more about it: Palestine is still occupied, lest we forget it Human Appeal eases suffering in Gaza
