
Thought for today 07.08.20

By admin1

August 10, 2020

AS WORLD leaders look for a way to repair a global economy deeply injured by the first wave of Coronavirus, we look this month at the struggle between the wealthy and the workers – and what’s been said about it.

“We will get movement from this Council because they are so, so in the wrong.  And I know that I am being recorded and I hope it does get through to John Biggs, what I am saying, because he is so, so in the wrong. And we will make sure that he understands the message that we’re saying today.” Dave Prentis, General Secretary, UNISON General Secretary, referring to Tower Hamlets Executive Mayor John Biggs imposing new contracts of employment, “Tower Rewards”, on the council workforce.

●Read more about it: Thought for today Tower Rewards