A GERMAN condemns right wing terrorism as he shares details of a victim of the shooting in Hanau.
“Der Bekannte meines Cousins wurde gestern in Hanau ermordet. Freunde & Cousins trauern mit diesem Foto… Wir können nicht draußen einen friedlichen Abend verbringen, haben Angst um unsere Leben. Was passiert gerade in Deutschland? Wo ist der Schutz? Verdammter rechter Terror.”
[“Someone my cousin knows was murdered yesterday in Hanau. His friends and cousins are using this photo with their expressions of sadness. So now we can’t even have a peaceful evening out, we fear for our lives. What’s happening now in Germany? Where is the protection? Damn this right wing terrorism.”]
Ali Can, @alicanglobal, Twitter
•Read more about it: Thought for today The Thames Today