
Thought for today 27.07.20

By admin1

August 01, 2020

TOWER HAMLETS COUNCILLORS: what are they like? The hot topic in the Borough is the decision of Executive Mayor John Biggs to impose new contracts (“Tower Rewards”) on the Council workforce.  Do Labour Councillors back him or not? Ten councillors have signed an open letter asking him to think again.  Thirty-one have not.  It’s time we got to know our councillors a bit better, so this month we’ll be sharing some quotes from Labour’s public representatives.

“I’ve previously served as a councillor in Tower Hamlets in the old Bethnal Green North ward. My experience there means I know I have the skills to deliver for local residents.” Cllr Zenith Rahman, Bromley North, from election literature

Cllr Rahman does not trouble the ether a great deal with the spoken word. So modest is she that we cannot find a record of her having said anything since she was elected. Why not help her break her duck? Get in touch and ask her to support the Tower Hamlets Council workers resistance to the Tower Rewards contracts.

Contact Cllr Zahman at: 07961-865 923

●Read more about it: Thought for today The Thames Today