
Three teens stabbed in Roman Road

By admin1

April 05, 2018

THE CYCLE OF street violence has moved up another notch with news that three teenagers have been stabbed just by the junction between Roman Road and Grove Road – in broad daylight, just before 6pm tonight, 5th April.

The emergency services were quickly on the scene, with a full turnout of resource including the Air Ambulance. The London Ambulance Service treated all three victims at the scene. Two were transferred to hospital as priority cases, with the third following shortly after. Police confirmed that two of the victims were just 15 years old.

The police also arrived in force and toured the area quickly, trying to find suspects. Local roads were closed for around an hour to assist the emergency services.

Witnesses reported that there was some form of altercation before the stabbing took place. There were reports of youths – possibly very young teenagers – being seen to gather, some with their heads and large parts of their faces covered with hooded tops.

Police have confirmed that one male has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

•Read more about it: Double death in Hackney Boy stabbed in Bow: witnesses wanted
