Members of Tower Hamlets Momentum join the march for the NHS, 4th March 2017.


Tower Hamlets Momentum members back NHS demo

By admin1

March 09, 2017

MEMBERS OF Tower Hamlets Momentum joined thousands of others to march in support of the NHS on Saturday, 4th March. Police estimates put the size of the demonstration at 250,000 – one of the largest demonstrations in London this century.

Momentum was set up after Jeremy Corbyn was elected Leader of the Labour Party. A spokesperson for the Tower Hamlets branch said, “Keeping the NHS as a free service is an important priority for Jeremy Corbyn and all his supporters in the Labour Party. We all need the NHS at some point in our lives, so we all have to work hard to ensure it survives.”

The demonstration came after the NHS had its most difficult winter on record, with Accident and Emergency Centres all over the country struggled to keep up with demand. In this week’s Budget, the Government allocated £100 million to Accident & Emergency departments, to help them employ GPs to deal with minor injuries. However, there is a shortage of GPs and it was not at all clear how hospitals would find extra GPs to work in hospitals.

“We are reaching crisis point,” said a spokesperson for Tower Hamlets Momentum. “The Government says it can’t find any more money for the NHS – but at the same time it has found millions to renew the Trident nuclear weapons system. Labour will invest in health, not weapons of mass destruction.”

For more information about Tower Hamlets Momentum, go to:
