PHOTOS: Island Network volunteers out and about distributing supplies


Island Network bows out at 10,000

By admin1

September 20, 2020

VOLUNTEERS organised by the Island Network have delivered 10,000 units of food assistance – food packs and meals – since lockdown began. And now the proud volunteers are taking a well earned break.

The Isle of Dogs has seen its divisions in the past – but Island Network Chair Maium Miah quickly realised that vulnerable residents needed the community to pull together as soon as the Coronavirus struck. The Island Network therefore set about collecting food supplies and hot meals and then delivering them around the area, using their knowledge of their own community to identify those most in need.

As soon as the deliveries were underway, the Network sought out local sponsors to ensure that they could keep taking the essential supplies to those who depended upon them. Now, as the lockdown eases, the Network believes that the community is back on track and, for the most part, can source its own food supplies.

Network volunteers are therefore hanging up their boots – but only in terms of the general deliveries. They will still be distributing emergency food packs to the most needy and vulnerable residents.

“I am proud of our dedicated team of volunteers, in an effort which has now delivered more than 10,000 meals & food packs,” said Island Network Chair Maium Miah. “I would like to thank all our volunteers and partners – especially One Housing, Canary Wharf Group, Asda IOD and Park View Outdoor Play Docklands – for their support and contributions.”

•Read more stories about the Island Network: Island Network

•Read more about it: Christchurch Mosque Massacre – justice done Local charity calls for return of Meals on Wheels