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Newham police officer cleared of theft

AN ORDEAL IS OVER, after two years, for Detective Sergeant Iain Wallace, who works in Newham. DS Wallace had been accused of stealing £2,000 in cash during an official search of a residential property back in August 2016.

In February 2017, the Metropolitan Police Directorate of Professional Standards concluded an investigation into the allegation by deciding that the officer had no case to answer. The complainant then appealed that finding to the Independent Office for Police Conduct – which directed that a gross misconduct hearing should be held.

Accordingly, a cross misconduct hearing on 2nd August considered whether DS Wallace had breached the Metropolitan Police standards of professional behaviour in respect of “discreditable conduct” and “honesty and integrity”.

The panel conducting the hearing determined that the evidence from the complainant was contradictory, evasive and inconsistent – and therefore unreliable. On that basis, it concluded that DS Wallace had no case to answer.

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