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Firefighters tackle the small fire outside Reef House, E14

All well after Island “explosion”

RESIDENTS ON the east side of the Isle of Dogs were shocked last week to hear what seemed to be a loud explosion in the early hours of Friday morning.

Fortunately, the noise was quickly traced to a parked car, belonging to a family visiting relatives on the Samuda estate. The vehicle’s air bags had exploded and a small fire resulted.

The car was parked near the entrance to the disused underground car park under the estate, where there had been a fire some years ago after the landlord allowed rubbish to accumulate in the area.

Fortunately on this occasion the Fire Brigade was able to put the small fire out very quickly, with many residents not even realising there had been an incident until they woke up the following morning.

Isle of Dogs resident Cllr Maium Miah heard about the explosion and quickly phoned relatives in a nearby block to check that all was well. “Fortunately everyone was OK,” he told East London News, “and the Fire Brigade had everything under control very quickly. I must thank them, again, for keeping the Island safe.”

•Read more about it:
The tale of the Social Landlord and the broken bollard
Tragic teenager dies in Mile End fire


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