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Suspects 1 and 2

Assault on Grange Road, Newham

NEW IMAGES have been released of two young men whom police want to trace in connection with an assault that took place in Newham just before last Christmas. A total of three assailants were involved.

The victim, a 32 year old man, was walking through Memorial Park, West Ham at about 8.30pm on 22nd December when two men came up to him. They asked him for a cigarette and he said he did not have any. They then began to shout abuse and throw stones at him.

They followed him to Grange Road. A third suspect then arrived, by car. He approached the victim – and then punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. All three assailants then kicked him, while he was on the ground. The third suspect then drove off – and the first two suspects ran away.

The victim managed to get home and then made his way to hospital. He was found to have a fractured jaw and received stitches for a head wound.

The first of the two young suspects is described as a white male, aged in his late teens to early 20s, around 5ft 9ins tall, with dark brown or black hair. He was wearing a dark coloured top.

The second of those two is taller, around 6ft tall, and is clean shaven with light brown or blond hair. He was wearing a light coloured hooded top.

The third suspect, the driver, had a darker skin than the first two. He was in his late 20s or early 30s. He was around 5ft 8ins tall, with dark stubble on his face. He was wearing a dark coloured jumper, possibly blue, and a beanie hat. Before he punched the victim, he said that the other two suspects were his cousins.

Detective Constable Dave Van der Valk of Newham CID said, “This was a sustained assault on the victim who was minding his own business when these suspects picked a fight and attacked for no apparent reason, leaving him needing hospital treatment for injuries. We are releasing CCTV stills of two men we would like to speak to as part of our investigation. Do you know who they are? Please call in and provide their names.”

Anyone who was in the area at the time of the assault or who witnessed it or has any other information about it is asked to call the police via 101 and quote reference 6068/22DEC17. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111, where you can give information anonymously.

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