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London-based Muslim charity MADE in Europe launched a new campaign today to coincide with the 100th International Women’s Day.

International Womens Day

New campaign asks UK Muslims to help save mothers’ lives

London-based Muslim charity MADE in Europe launched a new campaign today to coincide with the 100th International Women’s Day. “At Our Mothers’ Feet” aims to inspire UK Muslim communities to take action to combat maternal deaths worldwide and to support more Muslim charities to work on maternal health issues. The campaign takes its name from a saying of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) – ‘Be at your mother’s feet and there is Paradise’. The campaign is being run together with partner Ammalife and with the support of UKaid from the Department for International Development (DfID).

Reducing maternal mortality worldwide by 75% from 1990 levels by 2015 is the 5th UN Millennium Development Goal (MDG5), but to date very little progress has been made towards achieving it.

Every day, 1000 mothers are still dying during pregnancy and childbirth because they can’t access the healthcare or support they need.  99% of these deaths occur in the developing world with countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia having some of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. Yet it is not difficult or expensive to save lives.  8 out of 10 of these maternal deaths can be prevented simply by providing free, easy access to quality healthcare and by prioritising mothers’ rights.

Campaign spokesperson Sarah Atkinson said “It’s tragic that so many women are dying unnoticed every day from preventable causes. There is a strong tradition in Islam of honouring mothers and the central role they play in society. We believe Muslims can and should be at the forefront of the fight to prevent maternal deaths worldwide. This campaign will help to educate people about the importance of enabling women to access their rights and participate in making the decisions that affect their health and their lives.”

The At Our Mothers’ Feet campaign is asking Muslims of all ages and backgrounds to support the campaign by pledging to take one of 5 suggested actions, including holding a fundraising event for a charity working on maternal health or using Twitter and Facebook to encourage friends and family to support the campaign. A full list of actions is available at

For more information please contact Shabana Basheer on 0208 211 9439/ 07595 690 492 or email

There will be an opportunity for photos and interviews on Tuesday 8 March between 12 and 2.30pm. Please contact / 0208 211 9439 for details.

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