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Baden Powell Primary School children with Deputy Head Venessa Taylor, James Sommers and Cllr Jonathan McShane

Baden Powell School gets prepared

At Baden Powell Primary School in Ferron Road, headteacher Stephen Smith is busy gathering in application forms from excited pupils. It’s time for the Vitality Run Hackney Schools’ Challenge again. In 2014, its first year, 800 children took part. Last year 986 ran the distance and this year it’s hoped a record 1,250 children from over 30 local schools will rise to the challenge.

Why’s Baden Powell taking part, then? “One of our mottos is to help the children ‘Reach For the Stars’ and taking on the Run Hackney Schools’ Challenge is a great way for them to set a target and progress towards their goal week by week,” Stephen explained. “As the pupils progress and get closer to their goal I have no doubt their confidence and enthusiasm will build and build. On race day, as they complete the 13.1 miles challenge in front of families and friends and cross the finish line, they will all feel like the champions they are.”

Cllr Jonathan McShane, Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Culture, said: “The children’s event is one of the best things about Vitality Run Hackney – they love being cheered across the finishing line by the crowds, and you can see they are really proud of what they have achieved.” Without intending the pun, he continued: “In the longer term, I hope the challenge will leave a lasting impression on the children, that exercise isn’t just good for you it can be great fun too.”

Hackney children who are taking part will improve their own health, fitness and happiness, but they will also help others. This year’s charity partner for the Schools’ Challenge is Young Epilepsy. James Sommers, Senior Regional Fundraiser Manager at Young Epilepsy, visited Baden Powell Primary School to thank them in person for taking part. “I’d like to say good luck and thank you to all the amazing young runners taking part in this brilliant event,” he said. “The funds raised will help Young Epilepsy support the 112,000 children and young people living with epilepsy and associated conditions in the UK.”

To take part in the Schools’ Challenge, schools can register through their school organiser or email The entry cost per child is £10 and all children will receive a T-shirt to wear on the day plus a goody bag and commemorative medal once they cross the finish line. On the day of the Vitality Run Hackney Half Marathon, the youngsters will run their final mile and cross the finish line in front of a supporting crowd comprising teachers, parents and the local community.

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