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Barking parkrunners highlight global clean water problems

Emdad Rahman

RUNNERS AT BARKING PARKRUN joined up to celebrate Global 6K for Water Day to highlight the issues faced by people who do not have easy access fresh and clean water.

Six kilometers (or 3.7 miles) is the average distance people – usually women and girls – walk to get water for their families in the developing world. Often the walk is dangerous, children miss school and the water is dirty, leading to children getting sick.

Clean water frees children from deadly diseases and opens the door to education and a promising future. Nearly 1,000 children under the age of five still die every day from diarrhoea caused by contaminated water and poor sanitation and hygiene.

Global 6K for Water is an international event organised by World Vision to help people in developing countries gain access to clean water. Last year over 48,000 people in 30 different countries walked or ran the Global 6K for Water.

Local resident and Barking & Dagenham Parkrunner Zsolt Maróti said, “Because of people taking this issue so seriously, World Vision is now able to reach someone new with clean water every ten seconds. People of different backgrounds and faiths united today for this cause. Well done to our Parkrun friends for promoting this. By taking part in the Global 6K for Water you’ll be helping build a world where everyone has access to clean water.”

For more information about World Vision’s Global 6K for Water campaign, go to:
World Vision

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