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BBQ raises funds for Burma

Emdad Rahman

A CHARITY BBQ afternoon in support of Ummah Welfare Trust (UWT) has raised much needed awareness of the plight of the Rohingya in Burma. The community event was arranged in support of Ummah Welfare Trust which operates a 100% donation policy. 

burma 2Other activities in Padgett Street, London E1 included games, a bouncy castle alongside stalls selling burgers, cakes, drinks and sweets. The charity afternoon was very well attended and raised £2,300.13, every penny of which will go towards UWT’s Burma appeal.

UWT fundraising officer Md Imran said, “This is a hugely important cause and the community response has been phenomenal as always.”

To donate to the cause readers can go to:

For more information about UWT, go to:

•Read more about it:
Rohingya: pressure builds on Aung San Suu Kyi
Jamiatul Ummah respond to Burma appeal


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