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Biggs backs Lutfur Rahman’s footie comp

Thanks to Mayor Lutfur Rahman’s initiative to introduce a “Mayor’s Cup” football competition, grants to community football groups are now available. And just before Xmas John “two jobs” Biggs found time in his busy schedule holding down two full-time jobs to confirm his support for what the tournament can achieve.

“It’s fantastic to see the power that football has to bring people together,” said Biggs. As the Council announced that applications for grants are now open, he went on, “I look forward to seeing people enjoying themselves and wish everyone the best of luck!”

football2There are twenty grants of £500 available to community based football clubs and community football organisations to fund projects to improve access to and involvement in football. Applications can be made through the Council’s website and the deadline is 15th January, with the outcome being announced by the end of January. Next year’s Mayor’s Cup tournament will take place in April 2016, and it is expected to have the usual nine age categories for competitors.

The procedures by which the grants will be allocated have not been formally announced, but as the Government has taken over the Council’s grant-making powers, it is assumed that the applications will be decided by the Government’s Commissioners.

(Photos show scenes from the 2015 competition.)




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