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Blessed son of two nations

Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond took time off from campaigning for Scottish independence to call in to the Britannia Spice restaurant in Edinburgh. But he wasn’t just popping in for a spot of lunch: he was there to pay tribute to Bangladeshi businessman Dr Wali Tasar Uddin MBE, who was launching his biography, Wali Uddin – Blessed Son of Two Nations, written by A.F.M. Sayeed. Proceeds from books sold at the event will go to the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed.

The Rt Hon. Alex Salmond MSP said: “In Scotland we pride ourselves in having concern for the common weal, the welfare of others. Few people in Scotland exemplify that concern more than Wali. As a businessman, a community leader and a humanitarian, he has been an inspiration. That is something worth celebrating. So I am delighted to be with you this afternoon. I am proud to have been asked to provide the foreword for the biography. And I’m sure I join many people – in Scotland, Bangladesh and elsewhere – in wishing Wali many more years of service and success.”

Sir Tom Farmer welcomed guests to “Leith, the capital of Edinburgh” and presented Dr Uddin with a certificate that he joked may represent Wali’s biggest achievement yet, that of Honorary Leither.


This story appears in the online edition of East London News.

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