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Can you help find Conor in Hackney?

CONOR BOLGER is just 15 years old. Normally he lives in Buxton, up in Derbyshire – but he has not been seen since 7th June. Conor has strong links to Hackney, and some associates report having seen him there since he went missing.

Conor is white, around 6ft tall and of slim build. He has short hair and a fringe which stops just above his brown eyes. He has a diamond stud earring in one ear. He was last seen wearing a black “puffa” jacket, black tracksuit trousers, black trainers, a black baseball cap – an carrying a small bag.

There are growing concerns for Conor’s welfare. Please try to find him so that it can be established that this young man is OK.

If you have seen Conor or have any other information which can help find him, please ring the police on 101 or call Missing People on 116000. If you prefer, you can ring Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111, where your information will be taken in confidence.

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