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Kathy Holford

Can we help find Kathy from Ilford?

WHERE IS Kathy Holford? She was last seen at premises in Wanstead Park Road, Ilford in the early hours of Sunday morning, 13th August, after an argument. She drove away in her grey Skoda.

Kathy,34, is described as white, 5ft 7in tall, with mousey brown, shoulder length hair. Her bottom lip is pierced and she wears a large ring in the piercing. When she drove away, she was wearing a brown and gold long top over black/blue checked trousers and a blue woolly bobble hat.

Police are concerned for her welfare as she was distressed when she drove away. She is vulnerable as she suffers from a heart condition and anxiety. Kathy has friends all over London.

If you have seen Kathy or her car or have any information about her whereabouts, please call Havering Police via 101 or Missing People on 116-000.  Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111, where you can give information anonymously.

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