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Can we stop Trump war on Iraq?

IS THE USA about to launch another military attack on a Middle Eastern country? Rational people around the world have been baffled as to why US President Donald Trump is goading Iran – and are fearing the consequences.

Iran had an agreement with a group of countries known as the “P5+1”: the USA, the UK, France, Germany, Russia and China. The terms of the agreement were that Iran promised to limit its nuclear programme and would not go as far as creating nuclear weapons.

In May 2018, the USA withdrew from that agreement – for no apparent good reason. It variously suggested that Iran was not adhering to the agreement or that it, the USA, had lost confidence in the agreement. It then began a programme of posturing, trying to threaten Iran that it would face serious consequences if it didn’t limit its nuclear programme.

The USA already had an agreement, so why did it break it and demand that Iran agree to do what was in the agreement the USA had just broken? The only answer can be that US president Donald Trump was more interested in showing US voters how tough he could be than in reducing nuclear weapons.

This question and others – and the even more important issue of how we stop Donald Trump starting another war – will be discussed on Tuesday, 16th July at a meeting hosted by the Stop the War Coalition in the House of Commons. The meeting starts at 6pm and speakers include Laura Pidcock MP, Owen Jones, Abbas Edalat from the Campaign Against Sanctions & Military Intervention in Iran, and Kate Hudson from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).

•Read more about it:
Corbyn calls for aid and talks, not raids and threats
Trump takes a step towards World War 3

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