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Can you help find bike death witness?

POLICE HAVE released a CCTV still (above) of a male cyclist who may be able to provide vital assistance with their investigation into the death of a female cyclist earlier this year.

Bike KarlaRomanKarla Roman (right), 32, was cycling along Whitechapel High Street just before 9am on 6th February. She was in collision with a coach. She was taken by ambulance to an East London Hospital where, sadly, she later died. The coach driver stopped and spoke to police and he was not arrested at the time.

Since then, police from the Metropolitan Police Serious Collision Investigation Unit have been investigating the collision. The time and location suggest there must have been many witnesses, but police are particularly keen to identify the male cyclist who was recorded near the collision and who may well have vital information.

If you can help identify this witness, or if you were yourself a witness to the collision, please contact Catford Traffic Garage on 020-8285 1574.


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