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Can you help find Hackney robbers?

LAST WEEK SAW five nightime break-ins in homes in Hackney – which look like they were carried out by the same person. Fortunately, no one was physically injured during any of the incidents – but many of the victims have been very distressed and are likely to feel violated and vulnerable for some time.

Hackney police are asking the public to look at the circumstances of the incidents in case they were a witness to the suspect travelling to or from them burglaries. The suspect is described as a light skinned black man, between 5ft 9ins and 6ft 3ins tall with a medium build and with long, black, unkempt hair. He is also believed to be in possession of a black pedal cycle. The five offences have occurred as follows.

Friday, 16th June at around 03:00hrs in Killowen Road, E9
The victim – a man in his 20s – was woken by a burglar in his living room. The occupant yelled and the suspect made off out of a window. An Apple iPhone and Apple MacBook were stolen, with the laptop taken from the victim’s bedroom while he slept.

Tuesday, 20th June at 04:30hrs in Brooke Road, N16
The victim – a woman in her 50s – was woken up by her dog barking and found a man in her living room. She confronted the burglar, who produced a knife. The victim’s son has then woken and intervened to protect his mother and the suspect then escaped out of a window. Among personal items stolen was distinctive chunky solid silver ring with a black onyx stone in the middle and three diagonal lines on each side of the stone.

Tuesday, 20th June  at 05:21hrs in Millfields Road, E5
The victim – a woman in her 20s – was awoken by a male standing over her bed disconnecting her iPhone from the charger. She screamed and he has run out fled the scene by jumping through the bay window. In this incident the suspect was seen to flee on a black pedal cycle towards Clapton Pond. An Apple iPhone and Silver Apple MacBook were stolen.

Wednesday, 21st June  at 22:35hrs in Hassett Road, E9
The victim – a woman in her 30s – was in bed in her flat when the suspect entered and shone a torch into her face. The victim screamed and the man then attempted to grab her phone, failed, and fled the scene with cash and a black Dell laptop and a grey/silver laptop.

Thursday, 22nd June at 04:30hrs in Cecilia Road, E8
The victim – a man – was woken by a sound from outside. He looked out of the window and saw a man in the garden with a ladder resting against the house. The victim challenged him and he denied any wrongdoing and fled the scene along Colvestone Crescent, E8, empty-handed. The ladders had been taken from a nearby address which was having renovation work done.

Detective Inspector Paul Ridley, who is leading the investigation by Hackney CID, said: “These burglaries are particularly striking as the suspect demonstrates no restraint, despite the considerable risk of being disturbed. Many burglars do not enter people’s homes during the night due to this fear. I am wholly concerned by the suspect’s behaviour given his possession of a knife and creeping into bedrooms.
“The recent hot weather has led to a spike in these offences. I would urge residents to remember to keep their windows closed or fit window restrictors and screw locks.
“The victims can understandably feel afraid and violated after being confronted, and their homes invaded. It is imperative that we catch this man before he targets anyone else. I would urge any members of the public with information to contact my investigation team.
“You may have noticed a man matching this description loitering around in the area. If that is the case, then please call us immediately: every line of enquiry will be rigorously pursued.
“I can assure residents that all officers in the borough have been briefed about these series of offences and will respond to your calls. My investigation team are working tirelessly to identify this man. Please ensure that you remain vigilant and follow the crime prevention advice.”

If you can help police identify and find this man, or if  you have any other information, phone Hackney CID on 101, quoting “Operation Globe”. To give information anonymously, contact Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111 or via:

For residential burglary crime prevention advice go to:

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