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Come and hear sisters from Palestine

TWO WOMEN from Palestine are coming all the way to the UK next week to talk about their experiences of living in Palestine under Israeli occupation.

The visitors were invited to the UK by the Tower Hamlets-Jenin and the Camden-Abu Dis Friendship Associations and will be speaking at a number of meetings during their stay.

The key meeting for East Londoners will be on Monday, 19th March, at the East London Muslim Centre, starting at 7.30pm. This meeting is being organised by the Tower Hamlets branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Tower Hamlets Momentum.

The main speakers will be Ibaa Abulayya and Hiyam Elayyan, the visitors from Palestine. There will also be speakers from the NUT and the newly formed Jewish Voices for Labour – a grouping inside the Labour Party that campaigns for the right to oppose the oppressive actions of the Israeli state without being branded anti-semitic.

We have had two celebrations of women this month – International Women’s Day, which marks the struggles of working class women over the last century, and Mothers’ Day, a more commercialised day raising awareness of the work which mothers do.

This is a third event which highlights women’s involvement in the international struggle for justice, as the Chair and all the platform speakers are women. The organisers hope that brothers will help out with childcare next Monday and enable the women who are the backbone of our community in Tower Hamlets, to come and show their solidarity with our visitors from Palestine.

The meeting is a mixed event, and brothers are of course very welcome to come and hear the speakers too. Tower Hamlets Labour Party has a history of supporting the Palestinian cause and co-organisers Momentum hope that local party members will take this rare and welcome opportunity to hear from the Palestine visitors first hand.

•Read more about it:
Palestine is still occupied, lest we forget it
Human Appeal eases suffering in Gaza


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