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Council issues contaminated palm oil warning

Tower Hamlets Council has issued a warning to retailers and consumers regarding unlabelled containers of palm oil. The Council’s Food Safety Team believes containers of the palm oil contain an illegal dye, Sudan IV.

Sudan IV is considered to be a genotoxic carcinogen (a substance that reacts with DNA, causing cancer) and is not permitted in UK food. Sudan dyes are red dyes used for colouring solvents, oils, waxes, petrol and shoe and floor polishes.

The Kemtoy Miyan cash and carry in London, SE16 was found to be selling unlabelled containers of palm oil imported from Ghana. The Food Standards Agency believes the product was imported and distributed across London by an importer from the Dalston area.

To assist in correct identification of this product, a picture can be found at the following link:

As this product poses a risk to human health, anyone who sees this product for sale is asked to contact the Consumer and Business Regulations team with details. Anyone stocking the product is asked to remove the product from sale, put up a point of sale recall notice for the product and contact the Food Safety Team on 020-7364 5008.


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