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Cricket’s coming to Victoria Park

CRICKET IS one of the most popular sports in the UK – and Tower Hamlets is the London Borough where that popularity is growing the fastest. It’s welcome news, then, that the Council is creating a natural turf pitch in Victoria Park.

Tower Hamlets Executive Mayor Lutfur Rahman and Cabinet Member for Culture and Recreation Cllr Kamrul Hussain formed a double act to cut the first turf last week. They were watched by various cricketing dignitaries who have been working to increase the take-up of cricket in Tower Hamlets. Partners helping the development of cricket in the borough include the England & Wales Cricket Board, Middlesex Cricket in the Community, the London Cricket Trust, and Capital Kids Cricket. Pausing from his digging, Cllr Hussain thanked the parnters for their support.

Mayor Lutfur Rahman displayed his expertise, saying, “A natural turf pitch enables players to develop and improve their game.” He hoped that this new pitch in Victoria Park would, when it opens next year, give residents of all backgrounds new opportunities to play cricket, up to the highest level.

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