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DH Foundation raises £4k for Bangladesh crisis

ON 12TH JUNE 40 volunteers from the DH Foundation held street collections in various parts of Tower Hamlets to help the poor and needy across Bangladesh. Working from 10am through to 9pm, the volunteer collectors raised nearly £4,000.

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The DH Foundation is a registered UK charity set up in 1997 by a group of young people to work towards alleviating poverty in Bangladesh. It intervenes to help the poor and needy who need immediate assistance, but also supports measures which aim to help people become economically active and self-sufficient in the long term.

DH 3Collectors worked across the borough, hitting spots in Mile End, Whitechapel, Aldgate, Bethnal Green, Bow and Stepney Green – collecting money and also raising awareness of poverty in Bangladesh. Funds collected will enable the DH Foundation to deliver basic food rations, aid and medical assistance.

DH Foundation Chair Mohammed Imran said, “Truly amazing team work and effort by the DH Foundation team and volunteers. They worked extremely hard in hot weather conditions whilst most were fasting, this is a great achievement. So proud of the team!”

The charity’s last street collection, held in Newham, raised £4k in aid of the Rohingyan people who were fleeing Myanmar and entering Bangladesh.

This small charity acknowledges that it is tackling a very, very large problem – and it invites other volunteers to join them in working to tackle poverty in one of most destitute areas of the world.

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To find out more about the DH Foundation and/or to volunteer, email:

•Read more about it:
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Fasting 5k returns for Syrian Orphans

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