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#DoSomethingNew for Dementia Awareness Week

#DoSomethingNew!  Life doesn’t end when dementia begins – as public health staff from Tower Hamlets Council will try to show you during the Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Awareness Week, which runs from 17th to 23rd May.

Doing something new could be as simple as trying a new recipe, learning a language or getting involved in an exercise class. Use the #DoSomethingNew and #DAW2015 hashtags along with a picture of yourself enjoying your new experience on social media to boost the Week. The word “dementia” describes symptoms that occur when the brain is affected by one of many specific diseases and conditions, such as Alzheimer’s or vascular disease. Symptoms include loss of memory, confusion and problems with speech and understanding. Dementia mainly affects people over the age of 65 but it can affect people at a younger age.

The number of people diagnosed locally has increased over the past few years. A recent report showed that of the 1,152 people thought to have dementia in Tower Hamlets, approximately 73% have been diagnosed, compared to 52% in 2012. This positive increase is a result of close partnership working between Tower Hamlets Council, the NHS, Alzheimer’s Society and other voluntary sector and social care partners. However, as is the case nationally, a significant number of people living with dementia have not yet received a diagnosis.

Dr Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health at Tower Hamlets Council, said: “Early diagnosis is important, as it helps people get the right treatment and helps family members better understand what is happening so they can plan for the future. We continue to build on our successes of working closely in partnership to ensure residents have access to local services.”

There are many services that support people to #DoSomethingNew and provide a range of support to people with dementia and their carers, funded by the council and NHS. There are four dementia cafés put on by Alzheimer’s Society, four times a month, two in English and two in Sylheti. The cafés involve fun social activities and information to help people better understand dementia and learn about services in the community that can support them.

Patricia Rahman, who attends the Monday Memory Sitting said: “It’s one of the best things for helping people – definitely. I can relate to (other attendees) because we’ve both got the same thing. I’m more out and open now, whereas before I was more introverted; now I’ve come out a lot more; I’m happier.”


The Alzheimer’s Society Tower Hamlets will be holding a series of talks and information stalls to help anyone who needs advice on dementia over the week.

Monday, 18th May
Whitechapel Idea Store, E1 1BU
10am-12 noon, stall
10am-1pm, session for over 50s group

Tuesday, 19th May
Departure Lounge, Royal London Hospital, E1 1BB
10am-1pm, stall

Wednesday, 20th May
Departure Lounge, Royal London Hospital, E1 1BB
10am-1pm, stall

Thursday, 21st May
Mile End Hospital, E1 4DG
10am-1pm, stall (near entrance to staff restaurant at end of main corridor)

Friday, 22nd May
Mile End Hospital
10am-1pm, stall

For more information on dementia, the café events and accessing support and services in Tower Hamlets visit or contact Alzheimer’s Society Tower Hamlets on 020-8121 5626.

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