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East London Mosque seeks Comms Manager

CAN YOU HELP the East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre make a spash in the media and develop their local profile? Then you may want to check out this new job opportunity.

The Mosque and Muslim Centre are looking for a Media & Communications Manager. The successful applicant will have to turn their mind to a range of duties – not least because these two sister institutions are building up the work they are doing with the local community.

The Manager will have to deal with all day-to-day media work, as well as general public relations and marketing. This is not a desk job: the Manager will also have to take the lead in building and fostering relations with relevant individuals and organisations.

This is a full-time job, involving flexibility towards working hours. The deadline for applications to be returned is 17th February.

For more information, contact the East London Mosque Trust Human Resource Department:
tel.: 020-7650 3031

For basic information and to download an application form and JD, go to:

•Read more about it:
Open day ahead for East London Mosque
East London Mosque seeks volunteers


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