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East London Mosque seeks Projects Officer

THE EAST LONDON MOSQUE has been inviting the wider community in for some time – but it wants to boost the level of this kind of activity with a wider audience of Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

In recent years, the London Muslim Centre has hosted a number of courses on aspects of Islam. The wider local community has also been invited in – for tours of the building as well as introductions to Islam and Islamic themes.

As this outreach work expands, the Mosque is seeking to appoint a new Projects Officer to ensure that visitors have a good experience and that the Mosque and Muslim Centre have a positive profile in the local community.

The deadline for applications is 15th January. For more information and to download an application form, go to:
ELM Projects Officer

•Read more about it:
Poplar Shahjalal Mosque hosts dementia session
Mosque open day to increase awareness


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