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EDL demo over before it began

The ultra-right wing English Defence League (EDL) called a demonstration in Chelmsford today, Sunday, 24th September – but the protest was over before it began.

The extremists had announced they were going to protest about gangs grooming under-age girls, terrorism and female genital mutilation. The police turned up, ready to keep the peace. Counter-demonstrators from Unite Against Fascism (UAF) turned up. The EDL… were missing.

Although the EDL had estimated that it would be able to field two to three dozen demonstrators, in the end only two turned up. Rather than march down the planned route together, looking like a right pair of Charlies, they called the march off and dispersed.

A UAF spokesperson told the BBC that the EDL were not welcome in Chelmsford. A police spokesperson confirmed that no breaches of the peace had taken place. The EDL were not available for comment.

•Read more about it:
EDL makes badly timed comeback
One dead as car rams US anti-far right demo


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