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EDL makes badly timed comeback

DON’T THE POLICE have enough to do? Don’t the Manchester police have even more than enough to do? Many attended the horrific aftermath of the terrorist attack on the Manchester Arena and/or have been working extra hours on the post-attack investigation.

But in the minds of the far right what the police want to do right now, this weekend, is to supervise a provocative, hate-stirring demonstration through Manchester – yes, Manchester – by a new group using the name “UK Against Hate”. Prominent on the march was Tommy Robinson, former leader of the English Defence League (EDL). Many more known EDL supporters joined in and England flags were prominent on the demonstration.

The protest – a march from Piccadilly train station to what was intended to be a rally in Picadilly Gardens – began badly enough. Billed as a silent protest, it turned noisy very quickly. Several protestors were drinking lager (a feature of previous EDL demonstrations) and became ever more unruly. One protestor waved a pig’s head around – with other demonstrators taking bites out of it. Surely that must be a first.

Then it got worse, with demonstrators turning violent and scuffling with police and with the left wing anti-fascist demonstrators who had turned up to protest at the protest. UK Against Hate protestors broke through police lines, knocking over more than one officer in the process.

UK Against hate said its demonstration came as a response to the Manchester suicide bombing. The police said eight protestors had been arrested. The EDL website says that it is holding a demonstration in London on 24th June. We do not need this. We so do not need this.

•Read more about it:
“Shabby racist” sent to jail
Croydon racist attack: five charged, two sought


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