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EEHN Fair raises health awareness

Emdad Rahman

GOOD LIVING AND health was firmly on the agenda as the East End Health Network (EEHN) held a community health fair in partnership with the Idea Store in Whitechapel. 

There were activities and information was provided on Healthwatch and Compass Wellbeing. Almost 500 people attended the event and watched the official launch of the Network’s Social Prescribing, which was performed by EEHN Chair Dr Anwara Ali, Network Manager Ashraf Ullah and Social Prescriber Shamimuz Zaman.

Social prescribing is a service for adults over the age of 18 that works with participants to improve health and wellbeing. A local Community Link-worker provides non-clinical support by linking up with community and voluntary services across the borough that best suit the needs of the individual.

These can include:
Housing, benefits and financial support
Employment, training and volunteering
Education and learning
Social activities
Healthy lifestyles and active lives
Arts, gardening, creative activities
Befriending, counselling and other support groups

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The East End Health Network (EEHN) was formed in 2009 in response to the reorganisation of delivery of primary care within Tower Hamlets and the development of eight Networks mirroring the Local Area Partnerships (LAPs) in the Borough. The practices within the Network are The Spitalfields Practice, Blithehale Medical Centre, Albion Health Centre, XX Place Health Centre and Health E1 Medical Centre. The key benefit of the Network is to work collaboratively and to share good practice – with the common goal of improving patient care across the network.

In attendance at the fair were stall holders offering information and advice on mental health, women’s services, occupational therapy, Krypton training, smoking cessation and nurse health checks. Services included free massages and a very popular smoothie bike. There was also a generous raffle at the end, with juicers and grill cookers handed out as prizes to attendees.

eehn 3Dr Anwara Ali, Chair of the EEHN, commented, “We are all about raising awareness through outreach. It’s been a very successful fair today with health being our top agenda and the response from the community has been pretty immense. Health and wellbeing remains a priority for all communities and we will continue to work towards raising awareness through our activities.”

Shamimuz Zaman, Community Link Worker and Social Prescriber, added: “We are a dynamic and enterprising team and our focus and priority is always to raise awareness through friendly advice and encouraging good practise. It’s great to see how people from within our community are taking health matters seriously.”

Tracy Andrews attended with her daughter Sammy and she was pleased that she did. “It’s a great initiative and will benefit many people. I’m glad me and my daughter are here to support and enjoy the day.”

For more information about the Network, go to:


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