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EL Mosque announces Ramadan info

THE EAST LONDON Mosque & London Muslim Centre have confirmed that 1st Ramadan 1439 will be on Thursday 17th May 2018, as agreed by the Co-ordination Committee of Major Islamic Centres and Mosques in London.

Tarawih prayers
The Tarawih prayers will commence from Wednesday 16th May 2018, starting at 10.45pm. Details of the Huffaz are given in the Mosque’s Ramadan Magazine.

The Mosque offers Iftar (breaking of the fast) every evening in the LMC – but it can be very busy, with over 500 people attending. Donations and sponsors are welcome: just call 020-7650 3000 to say you’d like to help. You can sponsor one Iftar meal for £2, ten for £20 or a full day’s meals for £1,000. Donations can be made via the Mosque’s JustGiving page.

Every night thousands of people fill the Mosque and Centre for the Tarawih prayers (the optional special prayers in Ramadan when night falls). For the first few days of Ramadan, space is likely to run out – so please go early to avoid disappointment.

Due to time constraints, it is not possible to have additional Tahajjud prayers this year.

Itikaf details and application forms are available oneline and from the Mosque reception. Places are limited and will be decided by a random draw of all the applicants. The closing date for applications is Saturday 19th May 2018, with the draw taking place on the following Friday.

Eid prayers
The East London Mosque will be holding five Eid prayers this year: 7.30am, 8.30am, 9.30am, 10.30am and 11.30am.

Zakat al Fitr
Originally this was the giving of a certain amount of food to the needy, but nowadays most people give money to pay for the food. This has been set at £5 and should be paid for each and every member of the family, including children. Zakat al Fitr can be paid from the beginning of Ramadan.
The Mosque advises people to do so as early as possible, to make it easier to reach the needy recipients in time. The latest it can be given is just before the Eid prayer, but delaying it this long means there’s no time to get food to the needy for Eid day.
The East London Mosque will collect your Zakat al Fitr, or you can use one of the many registered Muslim charities.

Noise Reduction During Ramadan
In this blessed month, the Mosque politely reminds the congregation and worshippers to be mindful of its neighbours in the nearby residential areas and asks everyone to keep noise levels to an absolute minimum.

You can download the Ramadan timetable here:
Ramadan timetable

You can download the East London Mosque’s Ramadan magazine here:
Ramadan magazine

Go to the East London Mosque’s Just Giving page here:
Just Giving

For an application form and guidelines for Itikaf, go to:
Itikaf application form

•Read more about it:
EL Mosque seeking evening Madrasah Head
EL Mosque seeks Senior Imam


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