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EL Mosque offers Islam awareness course

IF WE ARE TO build a united community in our diverse East End, we need to gain a common understanding of the lives of all our citizens – their backgrounds, culture and life values.

Although Muslims make up a large part of our local population, they are not in a majority locally – which leaves large parts of the population who may be interested in finding out more about this world religion, in which around one in five of people alive on the plant today believe.

The East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre are offering East Londoners a chance to do just that in a free one-day course on 6th September which will also seek to dispel some of the popular stereotypes doing the rounds today.

The course will cover:
·beliefs of Islam and Muslims;
·the role of the Mosque and Imams;
·the history of Muslims in Britain;
·contemporary issues.
There will also be plenty of time for those on the course to ask questions and discuss the answers.

The course will suit those who work in public services or private industries, as well as residents who are just curious and eager to learn more for themselves. Participants will be provided with an English translation of the Qur’an and a course booklet. Refreshments will be available throughout the day, and there will be a hot buffet lunch.

To register for a free place, please email

•Read more about it:
Prof John Esposito visits Mosque Archives
Mosque launches Bari book on Rohingya genocide

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