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Fish4jobs launches toolkit for young jobseekers

Fish4jobs Younger Jobseekers InfographicFish4jobs has been busy surveying young jobseekers to find out what their biggest problems in finding work are.

Of those 16-24 years olds surveyed, two in every five (42%) responded that they thought they lacked interview skills.  One in four found it difficult to identify what skills a job needed and then review their school qualifications and other achievements to provide evidence that they had the necessary skills.  The young jobseekers also said they lacked confidence in all the basic job-seeking skills, such as letter writing and writing a CV. As time goes by, there’s little opportunity to improve on these skills while also actively looking for work.

With these needs in mind, Fish4jobs has launched a toolkit of practical online resources specifically designed to help younger jobseekers, including CV templates, interview Q&As and advice for using social media.


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