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Food recall: Co-op lasagne

CHECK YOUR FRIDGE! The Co-op has recalled its “Irresistible Luxury Lasange Al Forno”. Shoppers who discover they still have one at home are advised not to eat the tasty treat.

The problem with the lasagna is that it may contain mustard and sulphites, which are known allergens. These substances are not declared as ingredients on the label, so anyone who has an allergy or sensitivity to them will have no warning they are in the food – and could suffer a reaction if they eat the item.

The product details are: Co-op Irresistible Luxury Lasagne Al Forno; 700g, with a “use by” datea of 17th November 2024. The Co-op has contacted the relevant allergy support organisations, try to reach possible victims before they consume the lasagna. There are also notices in stores where it is sold.

If you still have a lasagna and you have a relevant allergy, you are advised not to eat it. Instead, please return it to your local store, where you can obtain a refund. If you bought the item online, you can claim your refund by calling 0330-041 7737 or 0800-0686 727.

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