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Foul shop-keeper puts public health at risk

Cllr Ayas Miah, Cabinet Member for Environment, took the opportunity to set out the Tower Hamlets Administration’s policy on food safety this month, saying: “The council take breaches of food safety very seriously.”

The opportunity arose because the Council announced that Mr Abdul Malique, 47, of Jubilee Street, Stepney, had pleaded guilty to all charges put to him in connection with the state of the shop he owned – Ahmed’s Fruit & Veg on Stepney Way

The problems at the shop came to light back in November 2014, when Tower Hamlets Council’s Environmental Health team realised the shop was not registered on the Food Safety System and visited the premises to make a routine inspection. Little did they realise what they were to find.

There were “large quantities” of mouse droppings throughout the shop.
There were mouse droppings in boxes containing food products on display for sale to the public.
There were mouse droppings on shelves containing food and cleaning products in the rear of the premises.
Packets of dried fish were found to have been gnawed at by mice and did not carry adequate labelling or traceability information.
Other food products appeared to have been gnawed on by rodents.
Evidence of mice nesting in empty egg containers was found.
Mouse droppings were discovered underneath pallets of food in the greengrocer’s storage area.

The direct contamination of food created an imminent risk to health and Environmental Health Officers had no option but to close the shop due to an extensive, uncontrolled mouse infestation. Following a further visit from Environmental Health officers the premises reopened after a few days. Subsequent visits have found the shop’s hygiene to be satisfactory – which leaves locals wondering why Mr Malique could not be bothered to notice in the infestation or clean the premises adequately in the first place.

Malique was ordered to pay over £3,000: a fine of £1,500; prosecution costs of £1,500; and a victim surcharge of £120.

It’s another big thank you to the Council’s Environmental Health Team for doing an unpleasant job to keep us safe.

If you suspect a business to be falling foul of food hygiene legislation, contact the council on 020-7364 5008 or email:



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