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Get ready to save the NHS in Tower Hamlets

IT’S DOWN TO US to look after the NHS – after the 2019 General Election result put our prize service at risk. That’s the view of local NHS campaigners.

During the election campaign there was a debate about whether Boris Johnson wanted to sell the NHS to US business. No one imagined he was going to tie a bow round the UK NHS and invite bids for the whole caboodle from across the Atlantic. However, a real threat comes from creeping privatisation of individual services within hospitals and primary care – as funding continues to fail to meet need.

Users and potential users are joining up with NHS workers up and down the country to keep an eye on what is going on, de-code what Government announcements mean – and take whatever action is necessary to keep the NHS an efficient public service, free at the point of need. Activists are also doing their bit in Tower Hamlets.

Tower Hamlets Health Campaign will be holding a local activists meeting from 6.00-7.15pm on Wednesday, 8th January in the Whitechapel Idea Store cafe.

Tower Hamlets Keep Our NHS Public (KONP) will be holding a conference from 11am-4pm on Saturday, 25th January in St John’s Church by Bethnal Green. The event is being organised with docsnotcops, MEDACT, Migrants Organise, Patients not Passports and others. Admission is free.

•To register for the Conference, click here:

To keep in touch with Tower Hamlets KONP click below:
or email

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