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Go beyond sticking plaster solutions!

URGENT ACTION NEEDED! Will you help the medics at Medact pressure the Government to tackle inequality and the resulting ill health, most prevalent among the poor?

There’s been a string of news in recent weeks showing that inequality is growing in UK society – as a result of years of Government austerity policy. There’s also been confirmation that poor people suffer more ill health than the wealthy. Many East London boroughs are at or near the bottom of league tables for poverty, especially child poverty – so it’s no surprise that our part of London also experiences high levels of bad health. Campaigning to reduce inequality can only help improve the health of East Londoners.

The recent research, and its consequences, has been set out by Medact’s Siddhartha Mehta in the BMJ’s online Opinion column: a useful read for all activists who care about the NHS. Read it here:
BMJ online

Medact will be presenting a letter to the Treasury, calling on the Government to present a health-centred Budget to Parliament. There’s just one day left for you to add your name. Sign here:
Sign the petition

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Campaigners call for new Whipps Cross Hospital

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