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Claudius Francis - now jailed after frightening those whose homes he burgled.

Hackney burglar sent to jail

A NUMBER OF night-time burglaries took place in Hackney over the summer. With the conviction of Claudius Leroy Francis, 49, a number of them have now been resolved.

Francis, of no fixed address, appeared at Wood Green Crown Court on 4th December, where he pleaded guilty to a number of charges of aggravated burglary, burglary and fraud. These included some of the burglaries which Hackney CID investigated last year as part of Operation Globe. He returned to the Court on 18th December, where he was sentenced.

Francis was arrested on 13th August. Shortly after midnight, a resident of Dyenvor Road realised that her home was being burgled and called the police. The police were able to reach the scene quickly and found Francis still inside the property. Worryingly, he had a lock knife in his possession. Police were then able to link him to the other burglaries using DNA evidence.

Francis received two sentences, one of eight years and one of five, in respect of two charges of aggravated burglary. He was also sentenced to four years in prison for attempted burglary and four years for burglary.  In addition, he was found guilty of three charges of fraud and received a sentence of six months in prison for each. The prison sentences will run concurrently.

Detective Inspector Paul Ridley of Hackney CID said, “Night-time burglaries in occupied houses are extremely rare – more so with offenders brandishing weapons. The man who challenged Francis when he made threats with a knife was extremely brave. Francis gained access through open sash windows during the hottest period of the year. I hope the public will be offered a degree of comfort in the knowledge that he will be spending this and many more Christmases behind bars.”

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