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Sabir Sharife: guilty, and given life imprisonment

Hackney man guilty of attempted murder

SABIRE SHARIFE’s attack on a woman in Hackney was no spontaneous act. It was around 3.30am on 9th April when he saw her in Well Street, Hackney. He followed her.

She got onto a bus. He followed her, sitting near her on the top deck.  After a while, she got off the bus. He followed her. She walked along Rectory Road, he followed her – and then he attacked. As she tried to fight him off, he stabbed her and sexually assaulted her – and then he left.

Fortunately a passing driver stopped to help the victim and called an ambulance. The crime was also reported to the police, who were able to trace Sharife to a nearby hostel the same day. The police found CCTV footage to confirm he was where the victim said he was, and his Oyster Card confirmed his movements tallied with the story of the attack. He was charged the same day.

 Sharife, 31, who was of no fixed abode but had links to Hackney, was convicted at the Old Bailey on Wednesday, 11th October of attempted murder, sexual assault and possession of a pointed or bladed article. He will return to the Court for sentencing on a later date.

DC Rachel Lloyd of the Metropolitan Police Child Abuse and Sexual Offences (CASO) Command said, “Sabire Sharife actively sought out, targeted and preyed on a lone female late at night. The strength of evidence against Sharife was overwhelming, and that is why a jury have convicted him of the offences he committed and the impact they have had on the victim’s life.

“I would like thank the victim and acknowledge her determination and courage. Throughout the investigation she has been extremely brave and was determined to attend court. There may well be other victims of Sharife’s that have not reported the crime to police. We would urge them to come forward and speak to officers who will offer specialist support and thoroughly investigate the offence.”

Detective Inspector Neil Rawlinson of CASO added, “This was an extremely violent attack on a vulnerable female on her way home and she was lucky to get away with her life. Sharife is a dangerous individual from whom the public need protection. Thanks to the joint working of the Child Abuse and Sexual Offences team and the local uniform and CID officers, the streets of London are now safer.”

If you have been a victim of Sharife or any other low life predator, ring the police via 101. In an emergency, ring 999.  Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111, where you can give information anonymously.

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