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Happy birthday to us!

Tower Hamlets is 50 – not out!

It was no joke on Wednesday, 1st April, as Council staff gathered to mark the 50th anniversary of the borough of Tower Hamlets Council. The metropolitan boroughs of Poplar, Stepney and Bethnal Green merged to become the London Borough of Tower Hamlets exactly 50 years earlier – to the day.

Speaking before cutting up the big special cake designed by Cakes & Gateau on Brick Lane, Robert McCulloch-Graham, Corporate Director of Education, Social Care and Wellbeing, praised staff throughout the years.

He said: “When I first started here I was impressed to see how long many members of staff had been here. They are truly dedicated to making Tower Hamlets a great place for residents to live in. In all the meetings that I have in and around the borough, I am constantly met with praise for my colleagues. And this is testament to the achievements that we’ve made over these many years. Here’s to another 50.”

Long-serving members of staff joined in the festivities including Elaine Commons, who began working at the council in 1975 as a Junior Entrant. She now works as a Finance & Information Manager. Speaking about her time with the Council, Elaine said: “I’ve worked in many different jobs across the council – even in dog licensing. It’s changed a lot over the 40 years that I’ve been here. It’s been so nice to be joined by my colleagues throughout the years to celebrate this achievement.”


The council is planning a commemoration of the achievements of the past half a century. Stephen Halsey, Head of Paid Service at the Council, explained: “Tower Hamlets has a really rich and diverse history. Over the past 50 years, the borough has changed so much. This anniversary is the perfect opportunity for us to reflect on the huge achievements we’ve seen in this time. People from all backgrounds have made this borough what it is today. We recognise that each individual story from every resident is part of our unique and varied history – and we want to channel these different voices into our celebrations. This is why we need you to help us commemorate 50 years of being a borough. We want you to send in your old photos and letters, or show us precisely what the borough means to you.” The images and words which the Council received will form the basis of an exhibition “#50TH: half a century of Tower Hamlets” which will be launched on Wednesday, 20th May at Tower Hamlets’ Local History Library and Archives in Bancroft Road, Mile End.

The Library will be organising a number of events to celebrate the 50th anniversary, including:
guided walks and behind-the-scenes tours of some of the borough’s historic former civic buildings;
film screenings exploring key events from the last 50 years in the East End;
history talks on 20th century local government in Tower Hamlets.
These events will be taking place from May to August 2015. For more information, go to:

To find out more or to send in your pictures, words and works, go to:

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