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Help Ability Bow win funds

Emdad Rahman

VOTE FOR Ability Bow in the Aviva Community Fund competition and you could help them win up to £10,000 to work with more disabled people and people with long term health conditions. 

The “Join in” project will be funded for one year if money can be secured from the Aviva Community Fund grant. That would mean Ability Bow could work with over 60 disabled people and people with long-term health conditions over a 12-month period. Participants would be able to access exercise, healthy living and routine activities in the local community in order to build their confidence. Activities would include visiting leisure centres, walking in the park, visiting the library, local shops, or navigating public transport together with a specialist instructor.

Ability Bow is a team of committed individuals supporting people with disabilities and health conditions to get fitter and more independent through prescriptive exercise in a fully accessible gym. Many of the people who participate have had a life-changing event such as a stroke or the diagnosis of a long-term health condition.

Last year Ability Bow provided 7,000 one-to-one sessions and ran 250 group exercise sessions.

Ability Bow members have a wide range of disabilities and health conditions which include diabetes, stroke, heart and lung problems, hypertension, head injuries, spinal injuries, osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer, visual impairment, mental health problems, learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s Disease, HIV and multiple sclerosis.

All votes must be cast before 21st November by clicking the link below and following the prompt to register . Once you’ve registered just search for “Join In” to vote for the project: 

For more information about Ability Bow, go to:

Read more about it:
Team Ability Bow shine at Big Fun Run
Wheelchair to Walking: Grace’s story


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