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Help continues throughout Stoptober

Tower Hamlets Council has been working with partners in the health service and the community to help people join the national “Stopober” initiative and stop smoking. Smoking accounts for over 100,000 deaths in the UK each year and it is the biggest cause of premature death in Tower Hamlets.

Dr Somen Banerjee, Director of Public Health for Tower Hamlets, stressed the health benefits of stopping smoking: “As soon as you stop smoking or chewing tobacco your health will improve, regardless of how long you have been using tobacco for. People who use our free, local stop smoking services are more successful in stopping tobacco for good, so why not give it a go today?”

It’s not only the human cost of smoking that’s a problem. The cost to NHS in Tower Hamlets on treating diseases caused by smoking is estimated at £14 million. Comparatively, effective stop smoking treatment only costs on average £250 per patient. Already local services have helped over 350 people quit between the months of April and June earlier this year, so they are hoping to improve on this investment in Stoptober. However, with an estimated 43,000 smokers in Tower Hamlets, there’s certainly a long way to go…

Lutfur Rahman, Mayor of Tower Hamlets, said: “We’re encouraging residents to sign up and quit along with thousands of others across the UK. Over 800 residents took part in the Stoptober challenge last year and utilised the excellent stop smoking services in Tower Hamlets to support them with quitting every step of the way.”

Those who smoked their last on 30th September will by now be past the first crucial 48 hours and into the difficult second part of the first week. Getting help and support now is crucial, and family and friends can really make a difference to the struggling stopper. Professional help is available too – so stick in their stoppers, you can do it!


Stop smoking advisers are available at the following locations and times.
Every Thursday, 11am-2pm, Roman Road Idea Store, 1 Roman Road E3 5ES
Every Friday, 11am-1pm, London Chest Hospital, Bonner Road E2 9JX

The Royal London Hospital Smokers Group holds group sessions.
Call 0800-169 1943 or 020-7882 8230 to book a space.

Help is also available from your local pharmacist or GP.

For more information on local stop smoking services in Tower Hamlets visit:

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