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Help us find this thug

Can you help police identify this thug who jumped out and pushed a woman off her bicycle into the middle of the road? Fortunately, the whole incident was caught on a headcam the cyclist was wearing: it should be possibly to track the assailant down before he attacks again.

It wasn’t a happy May Day for the cyclist as she rode through Tower Hamlets. It was just after 6pm on Friday, 1st May that she turned into Sidney Street, from Whitechapel Road. As she travelled south down Sidney Street, a man started to cross the road, taking no account of the oncoming cyclist. As she drew nearer, he appeared to halt slightly and she was able to carry on cycling without having to stop for him. She can be heard on the recording saying “please don’t try and knock me off” – though this was probably not loud enough for him to hear.

Seconds later, as the cyclist slowed down in the approach to a mini-roundabout, the thug caught up with her. He shouted at her from the pavement, continuing as he ran up to her in the road. He said, “Hey! You wanna put your finger up at me, you mug?” He then lunged forward and pushed the bike, so that they cyclist fell to the ground. As he did so, he shouted, “Come on!” The cyclist can be heard crying out in surprise as she fell to the floor.

Fortunately, the cyclist suffered no serious physical injuries and was able to get back to her feet and move her cycle off the road. She was – understandably – very shocked and upset by this vicious attack, in broad daylight.


We cannot have thugs like this roaming our streets. This man clearly cannot control himself: just look at his snarling face to see how out of control he is and how vicious he appears. The next time he gets it into his head that an innocent passing woman, peacefully going about her own business, has got in his way – who knows what serious damage he could do? Come on, people of Tower Hamlets: help the police find this man before it is too late.

If you can help in any way, phone the police on 101 quoting images 180410. If you want to give your information without releasing your name, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800-555 111.



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