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Ho, ho, ho! Let’s give out some presents!

Doctors of the World provides healthcare to vulnerable people affected by conflict, natural disaster, poverty and exclusion – and it relies on fundraising to continue doing its valuable work.

One of its key fundraising activities is the annual Santa Run – which is being held this year in Victoria Park on 6th December. Participants have to pay a registration fee of £22 which gets you a Santa suit (complete with beard) to keep you nice and toasty during the run (and afterwards, as it’s yours to keep). You can choose whether to run the 5km or the 10km route, and the run is open to children over eight years of age. The fundraising target is only £100: but each £100 raised can provide a hygiene kit for 20 Syrian refugees or could fund antibiotics to 620 children in Mali.

The day of the run, 6th December, is St Nicolas’s day. Just 19 days later, St Nicholas (aka Santa Claus) will be handing out his presents. Let’s help Doctors of the World give out some presents to children this year – starting with the gift of life.

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